6-Week Equity Challenge
The Equity Challenge is a powerful opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and our community.
We know that deepening our understanding of race and equity doesn’t happen overnight. Yet, learning how to develop or strengthen our race equity lens is a key part of bringing equitable change to our communities.
By registering here, you’ll receive three email prompts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning for six weeks with readings, videos, and podcasts that explore specific topics including privilege, institutional and structural racism, microaggressions
We know that when we Live United, we must Live United for everyone.
To Participate
Materials may be accessed here or by registering for an automatic email send. Registration is open at any time. You will receive three emails each week for six weeks. Preview each day’s content below.
100% FREE to participate
Each day, visit a day as linked below and learn about that specific topic
- Daily topics include Understanding Privilege, Internal Bias, Microaggressions and many more (see below)
The experience deepens understanding, suggests ways to take action, and helps launch what we hope will be a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our community
Register for the 2023 Equity Challenge
6-week Equity Challenge
Heart of Indiana United Way's 6-week Equity Challenges is a powerful opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and our community. 100% FREE to participate
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2023 Equity Challenge Materials
Additional Resources
Social Experiment on Race and Privilege
Managing Zoom Meeting According to Journalists
Antiracism Resource Collections
- Antiracist Resources
- Anti-Racist Resource-Guide
- Anti-Racism Resources & Tools (Opportunity Network)
- A Detailed List of Anti-Racism Resources (Medium)
- Antiracism Resources for All Ages
Articles & Publications
- Asian American Social Justice Toolkit
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
- U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism
- How to Be an Antiracist, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
- Black and Asian-American Feminist Solidarities: A Reading List
- Dare To Lead, Dr. Brene
- Diversify Your Bookshelf
- Unlocking Us, Brene Brown
- Rasmaa Menakem (who wrote “My Grandmother’s Hands”) – on Trauma and White Uncomfortability
- The Limits of Empathy
- What Comes Next
- You Need Everyone
- Forbes: Microagressions at work
- NPR: Microaggressions Are A Big Deal
- The Management Center. “So You’ve Declared That Black Lives Matter. Now What?”
- Meg Bolger, Social Justice Facilitator
- School of Unity and Liberation
APIA Resources
- Allyship Actions for Asians: 20+ Allyship Actions for Asians to Show Up for the Black Community Right Now
- Vox: Asian Americans Need to talk about anti-Blackness in our communities
- Positively Filipino Why we must have uncomfortable conversations
- AAPI Collective for Black Solidarity A Discussion Guide for talking to your AAPI People
- Reformed Margins Asian American Complicity in Racism
- AAPIP Black History Month Through an Asian American Lens
- NPR Open Letter to Community: A call for unity and solidarity in the face of violence
- “Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race” by Derald Wing Sue
More About the Challenge
The 21 Week Equity Challenge is adapted from the work of Debby Irving, racial justice educator and writer, and Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr., Director of the Privilege Institute in Green Bay, WI. Ms. Irving and Dr. Moore designed the challenge to not only help people better understand the issues surrounding equity and inclusion, but to do so in a way that would build a long-lasting habit of learning by stretching it over 21 days.
United Way of Washtenaw County in Ann Arbor, MI introduced the challenge into the United Way network.
We’ve adapted the concept to 6 weeks, encouraging participants to engage with a topic throughout the week, revisiting the questions and taking time to engage with the materials.
This Challenge is meant to help develop and strengthen our race equity lens as we learn from new and different perspectives, deepen understanding, share ways to take action, and help launch what we hope will be a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our state and communities.
United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. As an organization, we are committed to cultural humility with the understanding that equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice are necessary to create a thriving community for everyone. That work calls us to lean into our discomfort in the effort to learn, grow and act.
We’re grateful for those who have led the way in their communities and in this network, not just to acknowledge the inequities and injustices, but to do the work and commit to active anti-racism and equity in all that we do.
The 6 Week Equity Challenge is another step toward personal and community growth. We hope you join us.