Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)
for Delaware, Fayette, Madison, and Randolph Counties
Heart of Indiana United Way Requests Applications for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Delaware, Fayette, Madison, and Randolph counties have been awarded federal funds made available through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Emergency Food and Shelter (EFSP) National Board Program.
Delaware, Fayette, Madison, and Randolph counties have been chosen to receive the following amounts to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in those counties.
Phase 41 amounts are:
Delaware County: $43,449
Fayette County: $8,134
Madison County: $47,924
Randolph County: $8,333
The selection was made by a National Board that is chaired by DHS/FEMA and consists of representatives from American Red Cross; Catholic Charities, USA; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; The Jewish Federations of North America, The Salvation Army; and, United Way Worldwide. The local board for each county is charged to distribute funds to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas around the country.
Under the terms of the grant, local agencies chosen to receive funds must:
1) be private voluntary non-profits or units of government,
2) be eligible to receive federal funds,
3) have an accounting system,
4) practice nondiscrimination,
5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and
6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board.
Qualifying agencies are urged to apply.
Applications must be submitted online, using the form below, by the end of the day on Wednesay, April 17, 2024, to be considered for funding for Phase 41. Applications submitted after the deadline (midnight) will not be considered.
Application Example for Review
*For information about EFSP funding for Henry County agencies please contact Interlocal Community Action Program (ICAP) in New Castle at (765) 529-4403.
UEI Requirement
In past phases, the National Board required all agencies to have a Data Universal Number (DUNS) issued by DUN & Bradstreet because it was a requirement to receive Federal funds. The DUNS number is no longer used by the Federal Government; it is now obsolete. However, the DUNS number has been replaced with a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). To get a UEI for your agency, go to sam.gov click on the green “Get Started” button.
Served Meals – The Served Meals category is intended to allow mass feeding facilities to pay for the purchase of food items, items used to prepare and serve food, and other food-related items to assist in the mass feeding of eligible clients. Agencies may use the per meal allowance to cover operational costs as well as direct expenditures. A per meal allowance of exactly $3.00 per meal may be used, AND if the LRO’s total expenditures are accounted for using this method.
Refer to the Served Meals Quick Reference Guide for more information.
Other Food – The Other Food category is intended to allow agencies such as food pantries and food banks to pay for the
purchase of food items, food vouchers and food gift cards/certificates to assist in the feeding of eligible clients. Agencies may purchase food and eligible items directly, use food vouchers (not pre-paid), or purchase gift cards/certificates.
Refer to the Other Food Quick Reference Guide for more information.
Mass Shelter – The Mass Shelter category is intended to allow mass shelter providers (five beds or more in one location) to provide on-site housing for clients. For Phase 40, agencies must use the per diem allowance of $12.50 per night to cover operational costs as well as direct expenditures. Eligible costs within the per diem allowance include operational costs such as the shelter’s rent/mortgage, utilities, eligible supplies, and staff salaries.
Refer to the 2018 Mass Shelter Quick Reference Guide for more information.
Other Shelter – The Other Shelter category is intended to allow agencies to provide off-site emergency housing for clients.
Agencies may not operate as vendors for themselves or other LROs; self-billing is not eligible with EFSP funding. For Phase 40, agencies may pay up to 90 days (3 month) for clients per phase if it is necessary to prevent homelessness.
Refer to the 2018 Other Shelter Quick Reference Guide for more information.
Rent/Mortgage* – The Rent/Mortgage category is intended to allow agencies, for Phase 40, to pay up to 90 days (3 months) for clients per phase if it is necessary to maintain housing. Each household may receive this assistance only one time per spending period.
Refer to the 2018 Rent/Mortgage Quick Reference Guide for more information.
*Agencies must demonstrate their ability to handle detailed transactions.
*Agencies must also use the Heart of Indiana United Way Charity Tracker database to timely report assistance payments.
*Agencies applying for these funds must demonstrate their ability to handle detailed transactions.
*Agencies must also use the Heart of Indiana United Way Charity Tracker database to timely report assistance payments.
Utilities Metered Bills – The Utilities category is intended to allow agencies, for Phase 40, to pay up to 90 days (3 months) billed amount of a metered (electric, gas, water) utility bill for qualifying clients if it is necessary to prevent disconnection of services. Each household may receive this assistance only one time per spending period.
Refer to the 2018 Utilites Metered Bills Quick Reference Guide for more information.
Utilities Non-Metered Bills – The Utilities category is intended to allow agencies, for Phase 40, to pay up to 90 days (3 months) billed amount of non-metered (propane, firewood, coal) bills for qualifying clients if it is necessary to prevent loss of services. Each household may receive this assistance only one time per spending period.
Refer to the 2018 Utilities Non-Metered Bills Quick Reference Guide for more information.