
One Hundred Percent of Madison County’s Future  

President and CEO Jenni Marsh

We fight for the children of our region. Our coalitions, funded partners, and direct-service programs ensure children have access to books and words in their homes, provide volunteers for high-dosage reading tutoring, offer wrap around supports to their families through our THRIVE Network, or help them overcome adverse childhood experiences through positive experiences and programs that strengthen safety-net services.

Help is here for residents seeking assistance with health insurance.

President and CEO Jenni Marsh

Understanding insurance options and changes can be overwhelming. Luckily, free help is available so you can understand your health insurance options—and the actions you need to take to get and remain covered. Thanks to Covering Kids and Families (CKF), navigators connect eligible people to benefits to help their health, their finances, and their communities. Navigators can help both prospective and current consumers explore state and federal options, including the Marketplace, to take advantage of available programs and understand changes to they can stay insured.

Housing Issues All Hoosiers Should Care About

President and CEO Jenni Marsh

Almost two-thirds of Hoosier renters below the median rental income are considered “cost-burdened” – meaning they spend more than 30% of their income on rent alone. Minimum wage workers in Indiana would need to work 91 hours a week just to afford a two-bedroom rental, and 74 hours to afford a one-bedroom rental.

Friend to Friend Utility Assistance

President and CEO Jenni Marsh

Each year, frigid temperatures throughout the Heart of Indiana region produce large utility bills for residents. December’s extreme below-freezing temperatures produced even larger utility bills than normal.

Heart of Indiana United Way’s Equity Challenge

President and CEO Jenni Marsh

Deepening our understanding of race and equity doesn’t just happen overnight either. Yet, learning how to develop or strengthen our race equity lens is a key part of bringing equitable change.

Herald Bulletin- November

President and CEO Jenni Marsh

Open Enrollment is here from November 1 to January 15. This year’s Marketplace offers more affordable coverage options and more consumer-friendly tools to assist with shopping for healthcare plans. People not eligible for Medicare, Medicaid or employer insurance can shop healthcare plans at Healthcare.gov.