The Equity Advancement Fund is a partnership between Heart of Indiana United Way and the Community Foundations in the Heart of Indiana region. It is a new mini-grants program designed to help strengthen and advance equity in Delaware, Fayette, Henry, Madison, and Randolph Counties.
Funding will support efforts that:
- Are led by systemically under-represented or under-resourced persons
- Serve systemically under-represented or under-resourced persons in our communities and/or
- Support efforts to foster inclusivity or celebrate cultural perspectives.
Grants of $500 to $2,000 will be considered and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. These entry-level grants are designed to help small organizations easily enter the granting process and build relationships for future funding and capacity-building opportunities.
- Must serve residents of either Delaware, Fayette, Henry, Madison, or Randolph Counties.
- 501c3, tax-supported, or educational organizations are eligible to apply. Additionally, other entities—private, faith-based, community organizations, service clubs, individuals, and similar—may partner with an eligible organization to apply or have alternative options discussed with a staff member.
- Meet with a staff member before applying. Please schedule a meeting with Karen Hemberger at klhemberger@heartofindiana.org.
Applications can be submitted online, by mail, video recording, or by requesting an interview. You may also make a request for accommodations by emailing klhemberger@heartofindiana.org
For information on how applications will be scored, please see the scoring rubric. For other questions, please see our FAQ.
Application Timeline
Equity Advancement Fund grant applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. However, our staff and grants committee need time to meet with you and review your request. The Equity Advancement Fund Grants Committee will review applications based on the timeline listed below, or until available funds have been allocated.
To meet with a staff member prior to applying, we ask that you schedule at least three weeks in advance. Please schedule a meeting with Karen Hemberger by emailing klhemberger@heartofindiana.org.
Quarter 1: Please submit your application by March 1st. Applicants will be notified by mid-April.
Quarter 2: Please submit your application by June 1st. Applicants will be notified by mid-July.
Quarter 3: Please submit your application by September 1st. Applicants will be notified by mid-October.
Quarter 4: Please submit your application by December 1st. Applicants will be notified by mid-January.
*Please note that the first round of applications will be reviewed in quarter 1 of 2024.