
Women working together inspire. thrive. Live United.

There is nothing more powerful than the will of a woman… and when we join forces, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Where there is a need, women lead the way.

Women United mobilizes women who strengthen our community by investing in and promoting programs that positively impact our community’s children, families, and future. In each community we serve, we tackle the issues 
that matter most to the people who call it home.

Women United members engage with one another and participate in events and volunteer projects to
learn, share, and grow.


Women United Post Card Party

Tips from Terri Austin on how to best lobby your legislator

Information about the current childcare bill at the Indiana Statehouse

Income information on the federal poverty levels by family size

This information is provided as part of the income qualifications for families hoping to qualify for On My Way Pre K. It provides income information that you can use related to your childcare letters to legislators.

  • IGFSSA: Carefinder: Find out if you qualify
  • Median income information for Indiana and what 85% of the federal poverty level would be. Senate Bill 2 on Childcare is only considering CCDF eligibility to families earning 85% or less of the median household income for Indiana.
  • Family of 1 $43,409, 85% is $36,895
  • Family of 2 $53,935, 85% is $45,844
  • Family of 3 $62,046, 85% is $52,739
  • Family of 4 $74,205, 85% is $63,074

Articles on Women leaving the workforce post-covid and the economic impact of it

One of the issues shared by Terri Austin was how the lack of affordable childcare post-pandemic has resulted in a large number of women not returning to the workforce.


Interested in attending the upcoming Indiana Youth Institute 2024 State of the Child event

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the state of childcare in our local communities. You can find event information and register here. In-person and streaming options available.



Host an event with a small group of friends to tell them about Women United. Invite them to Women United events and group volunteer activities.


Make your voice heard on critical issues affecting women and children:
Simple things like making phone call, sending an email or writing a letter to one of our legislators. United Way will let you know when big votes are coming up and what you can do to help.


Give United Way a call and set up a one-on-one meeting to figure out how your unique skills and passions can be used within our work to empower others.


Become a member of the Women United giving circle with an annual undesignated gift to United Way.

Why Women United?

  • Learn about critical issues impacting women and their children in our community
  • Be a part of a community of like-minded women who contribute their personal passions, best ideas, and unique strengths to the mission of empowering
    women and their children
  • Network, collaborate and form new partnerships with area women while working together to enhance the lives of others
  • Volunteer alongside others looking to create change
  • Make significant, long-lasting positive change for women and children
  • Advocate for key issues effecting women and children

Check out what other women, all around the country are doing when they Live United. 

Women United Making Impact

Use the form below to join forces with Women United!

Women United is celebrating it's first year of accomplishments!