
Weaving the Safety Net Application

Heart of Indiana United Way understands that before families and individuals can focus on their future, they must be able to meet their basic needs. United Way seeks partners that will work with clients in crisis to help them address their basic needs and bring stability to their lives. Partners must have a process in place to assess client needs and not discriminate based on age, race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, economic status, or sexual orientation. Successful Safety Net applicants will have a desire to improve the delivery of basic needs in their community by linking up with other partners in the community to “weave” a more cohesive system that puts the clients at the center of their work and eliminates unnecessary steps and burdens to receive services.

Safety Net Services include, but are not limited to, assistance with: Rent, Utilities, Emergency Shelter, Food, Transportation, Baby Supplies, and Health Access.

Safety Net Grantees will be gathered regularly throughout the year to work collectively on service delivery with other agencies in the community.  Grantees will be required to track their assistance through Charity Tracker and will be strongly encouraged to conduct warm referrals for clients to other services.  Grantees will be required to commit at least one front-line staff member to quarterly Community Health Worker training. $200 of funding will be allocated toward training and $120 toward Charity Tracker license for one staff person.  Organizations can train more staff and purchase more licenses at their expense.

About The Application

Reminder: Application Deadline is April 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

Fields marked with a red * are required.

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Please indicate which county or counties you serve


What is the amount of annual funding requested from United Way and what is the amount of total program revenue projected in the proposed annual program budget in this proposal?
Explain how your organization is capable of fulfilling the program service for which you are applying for funding. Describe your organization, noting capacity and experience. Cite examples of how the organization typically applies its skills and resources to accomplish its goals and satisfy its stakeholders’ expectations. Factors to consider in your response: a. Mission and history b. Organizational structure c. Leadership and management style d. History with managing and participating in partnerships e. Fiscal and grant management capacity f. Program location
Define the current target population, including the size and circumstances of the population from which program participants are identified. Include relevant descriptions of the demographics of program participants (which may include age, gender, race/ethnicity, income level, geographic location, etc.). Describe the risk factors and community conditions affecting the target population that underlie the need for the program and any other relevant characteristics of the target population.
Describe actions by the agency to ensure the program is accessible to—and effective in serving—members of the target population who may face barriers to service due to such factors as income inequality, race/ethnicity, language, physical disability, transportation issues, work schedules or other factors.



Please report an unduplicated count of program participants in 2021 by geographic area, gender, race/ethnicity, income level and age, for each service for which you are applying for funding.

Participants by Geography

Please report an unduplicated count of program participants in 2021 by geographic area for each county you serve.


Please report an unduplicated count of program participants in 2021 by gender.
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked


Please report an unduplicated count of program participants in 2021 by race/ethnicity.
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked
Enter 0 if none/not tracked


Please report an unduplicated count of program participants in 2021 by income level.
Please report an unduplicated count of program participants in 2021 by age.
Please provide detail on each of the budgeted revenue sources and expenses in the program budget you submitted.
Please describe in detail the basic needs services you will be providing along with your method for working with other providers to meet client needs.
Please describe the number, qualifications, experience, and duties of specific staff responsible for delivering the services clients receive. Include a description of training provided to these staff to ensure they are capable of performing the work required of them and your plan for ensuring at least one staff person will become certified as a Community Health Worker ($200 of funding will be allocated toward training one staff person)
Please choose which indicators your program or service tracks
If necessary, provide additional explanation on outcomes listed above
Describe what has been learned about your current program’s success as a result of outcomes data. If any changes have been made to the program (e.g. outreach, activities, data collection) based on the outcomes data, describe those changes.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload the AGENCY budget for the funding year.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload the PROGRAM budget for the funding year.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload the most current board approved financial statement for your organization
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your current list of board members along with their company, organization, community affiliation.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a copy of your most recent 990