Thrive Coaching

THRIVE Network Coaches Train to Transform Lives

Heart of Indiana United Way is making an impact through two-generation strategies.

We help ensure children are ready for success in school and life. And we wrap around their adults, supporting families as they move from barely surviving on a basic budget—to thriving financially long term.

Across the five counties we serve, nearly half of households struggle. In Madison County, 16% live below the federal poverty level and qualify for public benefits. Additionally, 26% of Madison County households are Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, and Employed (ALICE). These families live just above the Federal Poverty Level but just below the real cost of living in Indiana.

ALICE is working hard—oftentimes multiple jobs—but barely making it on their Household Survival Budget. Survival budgets, including expenses like food, housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, a basic smartphone plan, and taxes, leave nothing for an emergency savings account, a down payment for a home, or buying a more reliable car. ALICE makes just slightly too much to qualify for most government aid such as childcare vouchers or food assistance.

Through the THRIVE Network, Heart of Indiana United Way is inspiring nonprofit staff to make a profound impact on families’ lives—helping ALICE transition from merely surviving to truly thriving. THRIVE coaches work with participants to set and achieve personal goals in education, employment, finances, and family, fostering lasting stability and success. Core to THRIVE’s approach is the foundational belief that all people are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. ALICE does not need to be “fixed.” Often ALICE needs an ally, coach, or support system to help them embrace their power, as they stabilize their households, and provide for their families.

Heart of Indiana United Way helps make ALICE stronger by equipping nonprofits with essential grants, uniting their frontline staff, providing comprehensive training, and fostering crucial connections. Through these efforts, ALICE families in the THRIVE program set and achieve their goals for financial stability and economic mobility, transforming their futures. This summer, our Director of Family Success Annie Wood Bell spent 3-days, 19.5 training hours, helping nonprofit staff become powerful, transformative coaches. Embracing this coactive-coaching model, participants:

  • Developed skills and utilized tools including Motivational Interviewing, Trauma-Informed Care and other evidence-based models
  • Learned coaching techniques through role play and shared experiences
  • Gained confidence in selecting best practices to individualize work with participants
  • Made positive connections with other coaches

In total, almost 100 people, from 27 non-profits, schools and other organizations, have now been trained in THRIVE. Offering this training at no cost is a major value-add—making it doable for organizations with tight budgets that still want their staff and volunteers trained in best practices.    

Once trained, nonprofit staff join our THRIVE Network of partners, and provide integrated services to meet ALICE’s multitude of needs. Coaches meet monthly to strengthen their skills; support each other, prevent burnout and compassion fatigue; help navigate difficult situations; and better resource ALICE through THRIVE. 

One coach at this summer’s training described enjoying being part of a diverse group of people from different agencies and backgrounds as together, they found common ground and learned. As the coach eloquently said, “It is a chance to impact each other’s lives and move forward with new perspectives.”

Heart of Indiana United Way’s two-generation strategies are making a significant impact. By preparing children for success and supporting families through the THRIVE Network, we’re committed to breaking the cycle of financial hardship and building a brighter future for all families in our communities. Together, we can create lasting stability and success.