Herald Bulletin- August
Children’s ability to read, and understand what they are reading, by the end third grade is the greatest predictor of community success. This pivotal time is when children transition from learning how to read, to being students who read to learn.
Herald Bulletin- July
Are the challenges people in poverty face in Madison County impossible to solve? Can these challenges be solved if organizations remain intractable, doing the same old same old, year after year?
United Way’s Henry County Day of Caring
The 2022 Henry County Day of Caring will take place from 9 am to 2 pm on Friday, Oct. 7. This is the 29th year for the community event that matches volunteers with service projects that support local non-profits and other community programs in Henry County.
Summer Book Giveaway
Heart of Indiana United Way’s Summer Book Give-Away Program Expands Nearly 1,200 Muncie students were able to choose and take home 12 books each to keep and read over the summer through Heart of Indiana United Way’s Summer Book Give-Away program. In its fifth year, the program doubled by serving preschool through fifth-grade students at […]
Nancy’s Sign Off
Signing off with much gratitude Next month, my very capable friend, Jenni Marsh, will take up this opportunity to share information and ideas related to human service needs and activities in our community. Thanks to the generosity of The Herald Bulletin, I have been able to use my voice for a great many years in […]
First Heart of Indiana United Way Book Nook Installed and Dedicated to Brian Scott
First Heart of Indiana United Way Book NookInstalled and Dedicated to Brian Scott First Heart of Indiana United Way Book Nook Installed and Dedicated to Brian Scott The installation of the first Heart of Indiana United Way Book Nook was celebrated on March 17 during a ribbon-cutting and dedication ceremony at Open Door Health Services’ […]
Operation Weatherization
Neighbors in our community are living on the edge, surviving paycheck-to-paycheck, unable or barely able to meet their expenses—and just one doctor’s visit or car problem away from crisis. Weatherization can help reduce energy costs, prevent potential health problems, and help keep our neighbors on a track to meet their basic needs.