You can make change happen with your voice. United Way needs people who are passionate about education, financial stability and health to make some noise; create buzz. Raise your voice and advocate for your neighbors-in-need. Join thousands of advocates across the state using their voices to create positive change.
You can persuade policymakers to allocate resources to provide effective services and quality programs for low-income individuals and families, increase access to affordable housing and medical care, and help children start school ready to succeed.
You can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.
Get Involved

State of the Child
Interested in attending the upcoming Indiana Youth Institute 2025 State of the Child event This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the state of childcare in our local communities. You can find event You can find event information and register here. In-person and streaming options available
Key issues for public policy focus on eliminating poverty in the Heart of Indiana particularly in the areas of health, early childhood education, housing, and economic mobility.
Join us in advocating on these important issues for our community.
Read more about each an our view on the impact to our neighbors below.
Public Knowledge Report: The Voices of Youth
The collective action group, “More and Diverse Voices” (MDV), was formed as a community leadership project undertaken by the South Madison Community Foundation and Madison County Community Foundation in 2022-2023. The MDV group completed community development coursework, analyzed data and community input from Madison County, and determined to focus their efforts on ensuring the youth of Madison County are listened to and their voices are heard. In this work, MDV members convened six community conversations with 102 diverse youth between 12-18 years old, hailing from Anderson, Lapel, Elwood, Alexandria, Frankton, and Pendleton. From those conversations, this report was formed.
Your elected officials want to hear from you. Advocating for the issues most important to you is one way of providing feedback that could help influence legislation. Use these tools to write, call or email your elected officials.
Common Cause is a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to democracy. We’ve included this link because not only can you find your elected officials, you can also access information on committees they serve on and bills they have sponsored and top campaign contributers.
Register to vote, check your voting status, find your polling place and who is on the ballot and more information can be found at the Indiana Voter Portal.
Learn how your community ranks in academic attainment, income stability and health with our Community Report Card. Use the United Way Common Good Forecaster, a powerful online tool that lets people see for themselves how improving the education level has a positive impact on several key economic and social measures.