
Heart of Indiana United Way Opens 2022-2024 Request for Proposals

 Heart of Indiana United Way has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select funded partners who will work with United Way to achieve long-term goals in 3 focus areas: Campaign for Grade Level Reading, the THRIVE Network, and Weaving the Safety Net. Funding awarded through the RFP process is for services provided to communities in Delaware, Fayette, Henry, Madison, and Randolph counties.  

“This funding is about responding to the most pressing needs in our communities and working together to find solutions that create real change,” said Jenni Marsh, CEO of Heart of Indiana United Way. “It’s why we work so hard each year to raise as much money as we can.” 

The Heart of Indiana Campaign for Grade-Level Reading is a communitywide effort to help children from birth through 3rd grade, especially those from asset-limited families, succeed in life by focusing on an important predictor of school success and high school graduation:  reading at grade-level by the end of third grade. Partners seeking funding in this area should be focused on providing services that support school readiness, school attendance, summer learning, grade level reading, and/or family support and engagement. 

United Way’s THRIVE Network works to help adults and families achieve financial stability. Through one-on-one coaching, participants of the THRIVE NETWORK work on job readiness, employment, job retention, increased household income, credit score improvement, budgeting, home ownership and other financial goals. Funding for this focus area is limited to Madison, Delaware and Henry counties.   

For Weaving the Safety Net, Heart of Indiana United Way seeks partners who will work with clients in crisis to help them address their basic needs and bring stability to their lives. Successful Safety Net applicants will demonstrate a desire to link up with other partners in the community to “weave” a more cohesive communitywide system that puts the clients at the center of their work and eliminates unnecessary steps and burdens to receive services. Safety Net Services include, but are not limited to, assistance with: Rent, Utilities, Emergency Shelter, Food, Transportation, Baby Supplies, and Health Access. 

Grants will be awarded for two-year grant cycles, beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024.   

The RFP is available on, and proposals must be submitted through, the Heart of Indiana United Way website, www.heartofindianaunitedway.org/rfp.  The deadline to apply is 5:00 PM on April 15.